

Not sure what size product you need?

If you're not comfortable measuring your steps, rails, or basement entrance, Means Precast will do the measuring for you. We'll assess your needs, check for accessibility to the work site and provide a firm price for the work to be done.

Need your old deteriorating steps removed?

Means Precast will make arrangements to have this work done and coordinate the installation of the new steps.

Is your old basement entrance leaking, deteriorating, and rusting away?

Means Precast will excavate the site, remove the existing structure, and haul all debris away. We'll then install a new Precast entry way with a new steel bulkhead door and backfill the new unit to rough grade.

Don't have a basement entrance, but want one?

Means Precast will excavate the site and saw cut the opening in the concrete cellar wall. We'll then install a new Precast entry way with a new steel bulkhead door and backfill the new unit to rough grade.

Need new railings for an existing set of steps?

Means Precast will measure the existing steps for railings, custom fabricate a new set of rails and install them on your existing steps.